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Tag: app development

What is UI/UX Design and Why App Development is Not Just...

One question our Singapore team is often faced with when we work on creating an app is that, why do you need...

Ultimate Guide on How to Make your Application Stand Out in...

There are over 2 million apps each on the Apple App Store as well as Google Play. There are multiple apps for...

How to Survive Cut-Throat Competition in Singapore Market?

Now is the digital age! Here, things happen very fast, so fast that you might go to sleep with confidence that your...

Why Startups and Global Businesses Should Incorporate in Singapore?

Singapore is very small in size. Just 721 sq km area and 5.8 Million people. Despite this, it is the hottest startup...

Zeles – A Volunteering Mobile App that Rewards Users

Imagine, I ask you to volunteer for something. Would you help me? Probably not. Now, what if I offer some reward in...