“I have an app idea but no programming skills. What can I do?”

I have an app idea but no programming skills

How many times do we think that once we have a perfect idea, we will be successful and there will be no stopping our progress? We spend days dreaming about what would make the world better, simplify lives and solve complex issues. But at some golden moment, that perfect idea for the app might strike you but what is next? What comes after Eureka’s Moment? In this article, we will discuss if you have an app idea but no programming skills then what you can do to build an app.

If you are a code master, you would not have to think twice about starting to work on your Android or iOS app. But not everyone knows how to code. Does that mean giving up on your fantastic idea? Hell no!

“I Have an App Idea But No Programming Skills” Here is What to do

If you’re bursting with the best app ideas but lack programming skills, rest assured that there are multiple solutions available to bring your ideas to life.

1. Drag and Drop App Builder Platform

A drag-and-drop app builder platform is an online tool that provides you with pre-designed templates, layouts, and elements that you can customize and arrange with a simple drag-and-drop interface. These platforms have become increasingly popular in recent years as they provide an easy and affordable way for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals to create their own apps without the need for coding or technical knowledge.


  • Saves time and money compared to hiring a professional app developer
  • Affordable pricing plans available
  • Full control over the design and functionality of the app
  • Experimentation with different layouts, colors, and features
  • Easy to update and modify the app at any time
  • Can create a personalized and unique app


  • Limited customization compared to custom coding
  • May not have all the features required for complex apps
  • Some platforms may have a learning curve

2. Learn to Code

Learn to Code if you have an App Idea

There is nothing like turning your vision into reality through your hard work, right from conception to delivery. But that’s a bit difficult when you are not a master of all trades. Especially to write code. So how about becoming one?

If you are passionate about coding and have some background, this might prove to be easier than it seems. You need not pack your bags and move to school, thanks to various online courses available today. You can check out app development courses on Udemy, Udacity, or Coursera which have options for beginners to expert levels.


  • You might be able to emulate exactly what you envisioned for your app if you do gain the expertise.
  • There is a chance this could save you some bucks on the mobile app development process.
  • You are in complete control of your work.


  • Building a great app will require great knowledge. Mediocre skills might not guarantee your app’s success.
  • Gaining expertise takes time. Learning to code and being good at it will not come overnight. It could affect your idea negatively because the novelty of the concept might be threatened as the time for it to launch increases.
    Or by the time your app becomes ready, the idea might no longer remain relevant to the world because of fast-changing technology.

3. Take Help From a Coder Friend

Remember those high school days when you would dream of becoming business partners with your friend? Well, if you have a killer idea and she can code or even help you with mobile app design development, you can finally give wings to that dream.
Having a friend code for you, when mutual benefit can reap is a great way to take forward your idea, but like the other methods, this too comes with its own merits and demerits.


  • It can be budget-friendly.
  • Communicating is a lot easier than when you hire someone to do the job. A friend will be able to understand your vision better.
  • Being entrepreneurs together- living the dream.


  • Constant feedback on the work might sour your relationship built over the years.
    After all, there might be some truth to the old saying about not mixing personal and professional lives.

4. Use No-Code App Building Platforms

Use No-Code App Building Platforms

We have all heard of code-free websites like WordPress, but there are app builders too that allow you to make an app without writing codes.
Many such options are available today like AppMakr, Swiftic, and Appy Pie which work on a freemium model and help you make basic apps that can guarantee satisfactory functionality.


  • These are affordable ways to get an app. The subscription cost will include hosting, updates, and analytics which can go easy on your pocket.
  • Such app builders do not require months of work on the website because there is provision for ready-to-use templates and modules. Thus, your app can launch faster.
  • These platforms give you more control over your content. Small changes could be done without waiting for ages to alter the code.


  • If you are looking to get your MVP, such platforms may be a good option but for anything more refined and unique, they will not help.
  • App-builder sites allow minimum customization. If your idea is a unique one and requires high functionality, their approach will be limited.
  • It is also difficult for apps built on such platforms to have higher integration with various devices. Though there could be iOS and Android versions, having a similar web app that runs smoothly across any device is not simple.

5. Hire an App Developer

Hire an App Developer

In a fairly digitized economy like Singapore, looking for an app developer is not a huge task. However, finding the right one may be. There could be two options if you decide to hire a developer- a freelancer or a partner with a digital product development company. While closely comparing the two options is a topic we leave for some other day, we can list a few parameters that can help you decide.

  • Cost

Just like hiring a freelancer for app development, planning a trip on your own can save you money, but you might struggle with coordinating transportation, accommodations, and activities. You may not have all the answers, and you might need to research and communicate with multiple experts to plan a successful trip.

Similarly, our guide on the cost of developing an app in Singapore can help you navigate the complexities of app development and provide valuable insights on pricing, team coordination, and more.

  • Timeline

Availability is a big issue with freelancers, especially the ones working overseas. It can push the deadlines of your project. With an app development company, there are project managers solely appointed to handle your app and availability poses no hurdle.

  • Overall Delivery

App development companies offering all experts under one roof allow a smoother delivery of your app and can incorporate changes soon if they follow agile practices.
It might not be the case with freelancing.

Do you have an app idea but no programming skills? Our mobile app development team in Singapore can help you build a market-fit app for your business.


  • If you hire a credible app developer, you can rest assured about the quality of your app because of the high customization they can build into it, how you want.
  • The Return On Investment of hiring an app developer is higher than other options.
  • You can keep them accountable for anything that goes wrong.
  • Updating the app and making changes is more comfortable if there are agreements in place (freelancers lose a point here)


  • The cost is high when compared to the other available options.

Bringing ideas to life is a humongous task and choosing the best way to go about it determines a lot of how the process unravels.


If you have an app idea but no programming skills then still you can build an app easily without getting hassle. The key to success is to have a clear vision of what you want your app to do and to take the time to research and test different tools and platforms to find the one that best fits your needs. With the right approach and resources, anyone can build an app without coding skills.

Looking to transform your app idea into reality, but lacking coding skills? Our mobile app portfolio offers a hassle-free solution to help you build and launch your app. From ideation to launch, our team will support you every step of the way.